Thursday 17 December 2009

Term 2, Week 7

This was not only the final week of term before we would break up for Christmas, but also the final week that we had for finishing our websites.

This week would of had to of been the most stressful week and the week in which the most work was done.

The first thing I did in these week's lessons was add text to all the pages that I hadn't worked on so far. I then asked Mr Hill to help me insert a Nifty player into my music page. The sound files that I put in the player were ones which feature Shanice singing. I then wrote the names of the songs underneath each of the players.

After inserting the music player, I then put information into all of the pages that hadn't had information put in inside them yet.

In the contact page I put in too pictures, one of a myspace logo as well as one of the you tube logo. I then made links with these to Shanice's profiles on the sites.

The website now looked like it was complete. But then later in the week I loaded the site in a web browser and thought that the website would look better if the background was black instead of white. I then changed the background from white to black.

The website was now complete.

That's it

Wednesday 9 December 2009

Term 2, Week 6

As the template was complete by now, I could now focus on getting the content into the pages. Most of this week's lessons though were spent uploading photos of Shanice (my client) into Dreamweaver and then putting them into the pages of the website.I put 2 photos of Shanice on the template above the menu buttons and then wrote her name in between them.I think this worked well. I then worked on the gallery page of the website and as some of the pictures weren't the right size for the page, I had to edit them on Photoshop first.

after this lesson I will only have 1 more week, (2 lessons)to complete the website. The website though is now starting to look like a finsihed website.

More to follow,

Wednesday 2 December 2009

Term 2, Week 5

Even though we are now 5 weeks into this term, before this point I still hadn't managed to find a client to make a website for. At the weekend though, I got in contact in Shanice who is a music strand student in year 12 at BRIT. I asked her if it would be OK if I made the website about her and she said that it would be fine and that she looked forward to seeing the completed website when it had been finished.

As I didn't have a client until this week, this sort of meant that I was a step behind most of the other students in the class. This meant that I had to get a lot of work done for the website this week.

During the lessons this week I started work on the template of website which all the pages in the website would eventually adopt. I used the website Cool Text ( to make the buttons for the different pages of the website.

By the end of the 2 lessons this week, the template was finished and I had also started to put some information into the "About" section.

That is all for now, more to follow